This year's City of Sydney hoarding competition is an opportunity to inject nature, greenery, energy and vibrancy into our city. My design is a playful approach to a thriving ecosystem where humans are inconsequential components of the environment. The design depicts the restoration and regeneration of the natural environment and conveys a feeling of hope, joyousness, whimsy and intrigue.
The people and buildings featured in this artwork are purposefully small, depicting a reversal of the current dominance of humankind over nature. This design offers an alternative where wildlife is abundant, gifting greenery and vibrancy to the public spaces where this design will be seen.
The artwork references the idea of the reversal of climate change. It features symbols of new sprouts of life seen in the bright, expansive explosions of colour and the newly created life; new buds, flowers, butterflies, bees and fungi. These elements are crucial signs of a healthy and vibrant natural world. The emergence of greenery and nature surrounding buildings and people lets us imagine what our world could be like if we respected and nourished our environment.
This design is hopeful and inspiring, providing citizens with a reminder of our place in the natural world.